
Graphical Dragons Guitar Hero

1. Songs For The Dead
. Dragon Guitars
. Fantasy World
. Princess Zelda
. Decree For Alien Invasion
. Encore: Fire Temple

2. Sound Above The Floor
. Baby Bar
. Zelda Level-9 Guitar Style
. My Twin
. The Love Dies
. ENCORE: Ghost Rider

3. Our Life mixed with ROCK
. Goddess of Rock
. The God Of Rock
. Stuck In My Straw
. Wario Land 5
. ENCORE: The Symphomy Night

4. Your Gig At Sea
. Water Guitar
. Win The Diver Contest
. Love World
. In School
. ENCORE: This Story Of Rock & Roll

5. 2 Band's At Once
. If You All Wanna Be My Friend
. Brothers 2 Band
. The Date With Ghost
. Space Action
. ENCORE: Space Cars

6. Japanese Rock
. Chinese Girl
. Japanese Girl
. Japanese Prison
. Techno Japan Rock
. ENCORE: The Devil Went Down To Japan

7. Dracula's World
. The Devil's Job
. Dracula's Fang
. Isaacula
. Romance
. Final Battle V.s. Dracula On The Song Castlevania

Coming Soon Graphical Dragons Guitar Hero II

I Want To Make This Game Real And By The Way My Bands name is Graphical Dragons. The End.

4 Comments so far...:

Christa said...

Tyler, you have such a big imagination. How do you come up with all of these things? I think it's cool that you want to design and create your own game. Keep working on it and maybe it will happen someday.

Jillene said...

Love the Graphical Dragons Guitar Hero! Hopefully you and Zach can really start a band and really ROCK OUT!!

Zach said...

Graphical Dragons ROCK!!

Bobie said...

Rock on dudes!!!